VDH aquafloat

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SKU: 0402009D Categories: , , Product ID: 8999


VDH has developed an alternative for the popular Aqua Fit Floats. Although VDH also delivers the original floats, we have been looking for a durable alternative, multi-use and for a reasonable price. Our aquafloats are 2×1 meters and 6cm thick. These mats are wrapped in bysonil.

The floats can be used for example: yoga exercises, equilibrium exercises, aquaboot camp, aquafitness, baby and toddler swimming and class swimming. Without fasten them to the lines, the float can be used as a playmat during recreational swimming. The top and bottom can have different colors. The choice is of: red, blue, green, orange, yellow, white and black.

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by carabiner hook attached to lines


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