Platform gutter grating

SKU: 0000723P Category: Product ID: 6511


The grating is easily rolled, with bars that are perpendicular to the basin edge. The massive profile is 22, 25, 27 or 35×10 and is shock-resistant. The connective elements are made from neoprene chord with rings between. The intermittent distance between bars is 8mm. The entire grating is completely corrosion-, chlorine-, sea- and salt water resistant, and is free from metals. The top of the grating is rounded and features an anti-slip safety profile that conforms to DIN 51097 standards.

Additional information


723/22, 25, 27 of 35




features anti-slip surface according to DIN 51097

Size bars

width 10 mm, height 22, 25, 27 or 35 mm


are connected by chord and rings (easy to roll)


available in various length and width measurements


standard white, grey, beige, yellow, other colours


the grating is delivered in lengths of 2500 mm and lies in a gap in the tiling


To be determined based on structural details


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